My aunt sent me info on a website entitled "meet me at the coffee shop". I just about fell off my chair laughing. I wondered why this kind of thing makes me laugh so hard. I really just love to tease people and get reaction out of them. Funny my kids still talk to me after all I have done to them. Here is the website:
I have enjoyed my time just puttering around the house and not having to work in the yard. I really hate wasting food and people just kept giving me food and my garden produced so much. I have spent too much time processing all the food. I got so sick of cutting up, canning, freezing, and drying food. But on the flip side the freezer is full, the pantry is full and I have enough fruit leather for 6 years for me and Curtis or one weekend if the grandkids show.
I did a funny awful thing the other day. I had gone shopping and left the sprinkler too close to the house and water went in the basement window. I had put the groceries away upstairs and only set the pantry stuff on the bed down stairs so I could rotate out the old stuff. The following days I would go down stairs and there was a horrible oder. I thought that I had rotted the walls by leaving the sprinkler on. I dreaded the fact that I would have to tear the wall apart due to mold. It was hard enough for me to put the wall up the first time. After a couple of weeks the smell was coming and going in drifts but still bad and reaching the up stairs. I spent a day cleaning the basement and grabbed a sack of cake mixes to put in the pantry and a smell came out of the sack that melted my eyelashes. I thought the bag was filled with cake mixes but one of the boxes was actually fish stix that had sat there for a couple of weeks rotting. Needless to say my house is back to just smelling like an old house. I am probably the only person that is thankful to find rotten fish stix in the basement. How happy I am to find out I do not have to rip the wall out.
We had a heavy snowfall this month and I had a total night of accidents. The snow just kept coming and since it was the first snowfall the ground was warm and melted the snow. Nightfall came and the water froze on the highway and the continuing snowfall made slush on top of the black ice. Snow plows would drop the sand and salt and it would just go in the slush and not effect the black ice below. My officer sat by the side of the freeway with lights on to get people to slow down . They would hit the black ice, spin around three times then gain control again and speed up to 60 mph again. The snow plow sanded the section three times and it only helped a little. Every one of the area tow trucks were out for over 16 hours pulling slide offs back on the freeway. If traveling the cove fort area during a snow storm go slow and have a full tank of gas.